Global Basecamps

Global Initiatives

offset alliance

World Animal Protection

Global Basecamps has joined World Animal Protection’s movement to end the use of wild animals used in entertainment. By signing the Wildlife-Friendly Pledge we are committed to protect wild animals by not selling, offering or promoting venues or activities involving wild animal entertainment, such as rides, bathing, walks and shows. We will only offer responsible viewing of wild animals in the wild or semi-wild habitats and with high standard of animal welfare and conservation.

Hwange School Feeding Program

Zimbabwe School Lunch Program

Zimbabwe is currently facing one of its worst droughts on record, causing a crisis level of food insecurity and more than five million people in need of food aid. In order to help combat this hunger, Global Basecamps is excited to partner with Imvelo’s Hwange School Feeding Program. For every Global Basecamps booking made this year, we've sponsored a Zimbabwean school child's lunch for one month.

Cambodia Clean Water Initiative

Cambodia Clean Water Initiative

Global Basecamps has taken on the task of bringing clean drinking water to the 105 families of the Kampong Khleang village community near Tonle Sap Lake. We encourage our travelers to set aside room in their luggage for a special delivery of a water filter, provided by our partners at Waves for Water. During their time in Siem Reap, our travelers will visit the Kampong Khleang village and deliver their water filter to an awaiting family. This is one of Global Basecamps' most measurable methods of giving back to the destinations in which we travel.

Planting Trees in Peru

Planting Trees For Every Traveler

Reforestation projects are one of the best ways to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide that's in the atmosphere. In 2014 and 2015, Global Basecamps, along with local partners, financially supported the planting of tens of thousands of Quena trees in the mountain communities around Cusco, Peru.

offset alliance

Offsetting Flight Emissions

In partnership with Offset Alliance we make your trip more sustainable by offsetting the flights of all our travelers.

Matimu Primary School

Matimu Primary School

Global Basecamps funded the construction of a teacher's office in Tanzania. Teachers at the primary school in Le Manyatta village lacked a space to meet. Adding this facility improved the students' lives by way of their teachers. This is just a part of Global Basecamps' continuing contributions to the community of Le Manyatta.

Ecuador's Condors

Ecuador Condor Conservation

Global Basecamps contributed to the Condor Huasi Project, whose aim is to conserve the population of Andean Condors. Listed as "critically endangered" in Ecuador, this iconic bird is a part of the history and culture of the region. Funds go towards paying for tracking equipment, which will help study the life of a newly released condor in the wild.

Travelers Against Plastic

Travelers Against Plastic

We are pround members of the Travelers Against Plastic (TAP) program. TAP Campaign is an outreach initiative which aims to educate global travelers about the harmful impacts of plastic water bottles usage and encourage travelers to be prepared to clean their own drinking water.

Ilkurot Village Nursery & Primary Schools

Ilkurot Village Nursery & Primary Schools

After visiting the school in 2004 our in country partners in Tanzania, Maasai Wanderings, began a community project in Ilkurot to raise funds for the school and make education more accessible to the Maasai children.Tours called ‘Maasai Village Experience’ allow tourists the opportunity to eat, dance, and interact with the Maasai village people to learn about their culture. Global Basecamps is proud to donate funds directly to the Illkurot community project.

Kids for Peace

Kids for Peace

Global Basecamps sponsors community events and directly contributes to Kids for Peace. Kids for Peace is a chapter-based nonprofit organization dedicated to cultivating every child's innate ability to foster peace through cross-cultural experiences and hands-on arts, service and environmental projects. With over 100 chapters spanning six continents, boys and girls of all ages meet regularly to creatively put their "Peace Pledge" into action.

Global Basecamps directly sponsors three young Kenyan students through Kids For Peace, ensuring half their school tuition is paid for, ensuring they are dressed in new uniforms, and ensuring their breakfast daily for one year.

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